Yolanda Hart Stevens is a very talented artist, who has mastered many different media. To each one, she brings her creative spirit, always filtered through the lens of tradition. Her cultural roots inform her art, even though many of her creations are distinctly modern.
– Holly Young, Curator of Pueblo Grande Museum
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Additional Audio: Yolanda Hart Stevens remembers a beloved teacher: Daisy Simms
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Way to go Ester! Another great item you can add to your already impressive resume! Keep up the awesome work! 🙂
Awesome!! Keep the tradition alive my friend ~ God Bless!
As I said in my email to you and Kevin, you are both AWESOME in doing what you both do.. stay blessed 🙂
Thank you for being an inspiration to your people. You have endured much and have remained a very strong and beautiful woman. I am so thankful that you have remained a friend over the years. Keep up the great work!
What an important series and what wonderful work you do, Ms. Stevens. Not only is your artwork sacred, but also is your keeping your culture and traditions alive and accessible! Thank you KBAQ and Ms. Stevens.